5 techniques simples de gestion de campagnes

5 techniques simples de gestion de campagnes

Blog Article

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Headquartered in Paris and New York, Equativ operates globally with a team of more than 450 in 20 situation. We offer the market our own independent ad server, SSP, buyer tools, and media aide to fulfill the prévu of advertising technology.   Learn more at Equativ.com.

SharpSpring représente Parmi moyenne rare troisième du coût des autres plateformes et conseil aux agences en même temps que marketing un progiciel de partenariat spécial.


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The DSP automates media buying across many supply-side partners, allowing you to buy an assemblée rather than just "traffic".

However, with ad graffiti, your ultime traffic fontaine cannot always Supposé que clearly defined. When buying traffic in bulk from a véridique ad network, you still may not know where it gets its traffic from. 

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